It was a mission tae get tae Aberdeen on thursday the snow was chuckin it doon and the roads were a nightmare but the sesh was on and the car was foo , which a huv tae say is happnin alot more these days , guid effort team ......
Dodi jumped in on the sesh , good effort mate . Got the kettle on before the sesh got started .
Stu bought a new coffee cup just like big mark's but in creature green , this bad boy'll hold about a pint o tea , Stu was stoked
this pic needs speed stripes , Stu on his way at mach 10 frontside chifty
Callum came for a lunchtime sesh
cubes board headin for the stratosphere
sesh over , chillin wi a chat n a bit o brutality on the flat screen
bobshirt x chrome ball: mike york
Always a pleasure to link up with Tim and Sarah for another Bobshirt x
Chrome Ball collaboration in support of all things Deckaid. This time, we
met up w...
1 month ago