Big Mark put me onto this belter o a 5 parter about Bryce Kanights you can catch part 1 below and watch PART 2, PART 3, PART 4 and PART 5 by clickin on the links. Featuring Bryce Kanights, Kevin Kowalski, Mark Conahan and Chet Childress it's a sick little series about someone who is as stoked on skateboarding as you and me. Oh and he has the best skate mag collection you'll ever see!!
Bryce Kanights- Part 1 of 3 from Nemo Design on Vimeo.
bobshirt x chrome ball: mike york
Always a pleasure to link up with Tim and Sarah for another Bobshirt x
Chrome Ball collaboration in support of all things Deckaid. This time, we
met up w...
1 month ago