Saturday, September 04, 2010

The Return of EVERSLICK!!

I was just talkin about Everslick the other day when i was down the park and today i find out that Santa Cruz is bringin it back check it out HERE and check the vid below

And while we're talkin old stuff OJ Wheels have re released these bangers from a bygone era

John got busy with his video camera the other day Check it OOT (easy on the slo mo fella!)

Friday, September 03, 2010

Peter Hewitt

A bit of old 88 footwear footage o Peter Hewitt, he kills it and his egg plants/egg plant fakie's are amazin

Sunny Saughton

It's been sunny as all hell down at the park this week, and quiet now that the schools are back in. Rab took some major damage to the knees while we tried to shoot some photies, here we can see him lying in full pain/despair mode

But persistance prevailed and he pulled a banger o a back smith oot the bag, nice!

Oh aye and, normal RAB

And FAT RAB. Sick!