Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Can't Do 360 flips and Rowley pulls out the 540 flip? Damn!

STU'S Everywhere This Week, Check His Best O 2010

Just click the pic an get transported over tae Sidewalk

Johnny Layton Bangin

KOTR part 6

Friday, January 28, 2011

Stu Hittin up Saughton

e'S SXSE part 1

Check out Roger Bagley, Sam McGuire, Eldridge, Terps, Stevie Perez, Rattray, McCrank, Josh Matthews, Jimmy McDonald and Ben Raemers as e'S explore the south over at SLAP. Just click the pic!

Crailtap's Year in Review

Crailtap's Year In Review 2010 from Crailtap on Vimeo.


Elijah Berle and Yaje Popson : Double Rock

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bones Hittin up TWS Park

Non Skate Related

I was thinkin the other day that i'm gonna do a weekly post that's not skate related, just something iv'e seen and liked while surfin the web checkin out skate vids or whatever. It won't always be video footage, could be a text article, photo or whatever.
This is the first one i'm puttin out there, it's by a bloke called Jim Quattrocki (Click his name if you wanna check his other stuff out on Vimeo) and it's called Intimidator, it's about a blind mechanic called Bart Hickey, owner of B.A.T. Automotive, so gi it a watch.

"Intimidator" from Jim Quattrocki on Vimeo.

KOTR Etnies

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Widowmaker


For i don't know how many years i've had countless conversations wi Cubic about how it's almost imposible to fill a car full o people to go skate somewhere different, it used to be Wakefield then Bolton and now it would seem Aberdeen. You wouldn't think it would be difficult, i mean you would think there were plenty people up for a skate. Well tomorrow is lookin like it's gonna be another one o those days. I wanna go skate Aberdeen tomorrow but as usual near to no takers, then Simie goes and post's this and reminds me even more why i wanna go skate Aberdeen, could be headin for a solo mission, see how a feel in the mornin eh...

Italo Romano

Italo Romano from on Vimeo.

Sick Moves tae Sick Tunes, Cody McEntire

CODY McENTIRE IS TEXAS from Street Corner Skate on Vimeo.

Totally Nector

The trailer is posted below and you can stream the entire video HERE and download it OVER HERE

Sunday, January 23, 2011

ACE Trucks Hittin up Canada

Jake Brown

Turn the volume down cos the music sucks but the footage is GUID, the backside lipslide shove out at around 1:57 is insane!

Jake Brown from © o n r a d ! on Vimeo.

Vert Animation by Randall Christopher

On the left video footage of Rich Lopez, Alex Perelson, Peter Hewitt, Joe Gratzer, Zach Miller, Danny Mayer, Marcello Bastos, Murillo Beyruth. And on the right the animated version of the same tricks for the opening sequence of Kleeman and Mike in Jaime's Taco Shop, part 1 of which is featured below. Sick.

making of vert skateboarding animation in Kleeman and Mike from Randall Christopher on Vimeo.

Kleeman and Mike in Jaime's Taco Shop from Randall Christopher on Vimeo.